Development of a one-page site tow truck around the clock


We will always help you out!

About company:
The Evacuator company provides all types of evacuation services for vehicles and special equipment in Kiev and all Ukraine, as well as round-the-clock technical assistance on the roads. We offer only high-quality tow truck services at the lowest prices, a flexible system of discounts for our partners and regular customers.

Show spectacularity and scale without a dry portfolio, passing on their value map. The goal was to create a website of such a level of aesthetics that the visitor from the first minutes felt the individuality and professionalism of the company in its niche.

The strategic session with the client determined the movement vector – it was necessary to come up with a completely new form. Having transmitted through the website that emotion that a person experiences from transporting a car from point A to point B.


Разработка одностраничного сайта эвакуатор круглосуточно
Разработка одностраничного сайта эвакуатор круглосуточно
Разработка одностраничного сайта эвакуатор круглосуточно

Development of a one-page website tow truck around the clock

These days, the vast majority of citizens are looking for goods and services on the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that a one-page website for 24/7 towing services often proves to be much more effective than visual advertising on the road or on the radio. The creation of such a simple but effective resource with a professional website promotion is inexpensive for the client, and the result from his actions does not take long.

Why a one-page site is ordered from Bast

The Bast web studio has been providing services for the development and promotion of sites of various types and purposes for many years. We have excellent customer reviews and hundreds of successful projects in our portfolio. Among the advantages that we can offer our clients, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • get creative with the simplest work;
  • professional execution of all tasks;
  • reasonable prices;
  • tight deadlines;
  • formal agreement with the customer.

In addition, Bast web studio offers an official guarantee for all types of work. If necessary, we will not leave you alone with the problem, but we will finalizing the site to bring it to the form you need. Contact professionals and you will get the maximum effect from the effort and money invested in the project!

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