Order a website Khmelnitsky

To order
Price from 10 946 UAH

Order a website in Khmelnitsky on a turnkey basis

We offer solutions for Business. Since 2008 BAST studio has been working in the markets of Ukraine and the CIS countries, Europe, the USA, offering fast and functional solutions. Modern UX / UI design, safe modular CMS for every successful project!

  • We work under a contract.
  • Interaction with customers around the world
  • Savings on advertising
  • Working for the company’s image
  • Modern solutions in the field of web technologies.
  • You are the rightful owner of the site. Documents, domain – in your name.

We provide the following services

Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 121 393 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 121 393 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH
Price from 10 946 UAH

Order a website in Khmelnitsky

Procedure for creating a website in Khmelnitsky

Discussion and creation of an action plan:

  • Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks.
  • Writing a technical assignment to get 100% of the result.
  • Collecting the semantic core.
  • Signing a contract in accordance with the created terms of reference.

Order a website Khmelnitsky procedure

Order a website Khmelnitsky How to create a selling website?

Let's look at a simple example


Action plan


up to 12 days

As a rule, in the course of a conversation, we discuss a lot and do not always have time to write everything down or draw up an action plan. Therefore, it is better to put everything on paper or draw up a technical task in a document.
Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks
A preliminary technical assignment is drawn up when discussing goals and objectives over the phone, or, as often happens, the document is sent by e-mail. Therefore, it is advisable to speak it with the customer in person at the meeting, or as it will be convenient.

up to 1 day

Collection and analysis of requirements
Collecting requirements is one of the most important stages in the creation of information systems and Internet sites in particular. The final result will depend on how accurately and fully all the wishes of the customer in the process of designing the site will be taken into account: will we get the site “for show” or it will be an effective business tool that will bring profit to its owner.

up to 3 days

Prototype development
This is a draft, trial version, sketch. The goal is to check the suitability of the proposed solutions, to demonstrate the technical capabilities to the customer at the early stages of the development process.

up to 3 days

Signing a contract
A contract is an important document governing your relationship with a development company. Naturally, the developers try to minimize their risks in the contract by prescribing some conditions. Lawyers will tell you what you should pay attention to.

up to 7 days


Site creation


up to 30 days

Website development process

Website design development

A modern fast web tool with a unique design and a set of functions you need, which will become your effective representation on the Internet. It will give you the opportunity to attract new customers, quickly and easily distribute, demonstrate and publish the information you need. Will increase the prestige of the company, its authority and recognition. Demonstrates your professionalism.

up to 7 days

Design approval

Design approval with the customer. Making a list of design edits and clarifications.

up to 3 days

Implementation of the developed design on the site

After the design layouts have been created, they need to be laid out, in other words, connected with the program code. The quality of the layout of the resource immediately catches your eye when you go to any site - if some element is poorly displayed, the image overlaps each other, or other artifacts appear, then the resource is of poor quality.

up to 14 days

Connecting the required functionality

We create technical configurations. We program the functionality taking into account the specifics of the type of activity of clients and the technical task, or a completed Brief for the development of a turnkey website.

up to 14 days

Filling with text

The creation of quality texts for the internal pages of a website is one of the common tasks performed by a professional copywriter. Such text content, both regular and optimized (seo copywriting), is used both to fill Internet pages and to attract additional search traffic.

up to 14 days

A / B testing

A / B testing is a marketing technique used to measure and manage the performance of a web page. This method is also called split testing (split testing).

up to 14 days

Training your specialist to work with CMS

We will train your staff how to work with the created website.

up to 5 days

Delivery of the project

Checking the site for the fulfillment of the customer's technical specifications.

up to 5 days


The final stage


up to 7 days

Project transfer to customer hosting

If you have no experience in transferring a site to a new hosting, then it is better to entrust this business to us. We will do it quickly, efficiently and at the same time not harm your site.

up to 1 day

Checking the work of the site on the new hosting

Testing the project on a new hosting. As a rule, at this moment a group of testers is working, which describes all the bugs.

up to 5 days

Site registration in Google and Yandex search engines

After eliminating all the comments, we register the site in the search engines Google and Yandex

up to 1 day

Transfer of access to the site, domain, hosting

Передаем все доступы и права на сайт заказчику. Подписываем акт выполненных работ

up to 1 day


Order a website Khmelnitsky Terms of payment 2024


Order a website Khmelnitsky want to know the cost?

Please enter your name
Please enter your phone number
Drawing up the technical assignment
Terms of reference is where a high-quality functional product begins
Conclusion of a contract
The conclusion of a contract is a custom of business turnover, the parties must fulfill the terms of the contract.
First payment prepayment 30%
This is the payment made by the ordering buyer prior to the provision of services
Implementation of functionality on the site
Site functionality is what makes the website useful to the visitor.
Design and prototyping
Design is a content design, a collection of all graphic elements on a web page
Website design implementation
Website layout - design implementation on the customer's website
Payment upon completion of work 70%
Payment of the remaining amount under the service agreement

Order a website Khmelnitsky

Order a site in Khmelnitsky is one of the key points in the creation and development of any business. Very often today the site itself is the business itself. Well-designed corporate web pages can favorably emphasize the image of a particular company, its status, and increase the loyalty of current customers.

So an online store is able to completely replace a physical store, and even surpass it at times in terms of opportunities. At the same time, a landing page can become both an add-on for a business website and a completely independent project..

Basics of creating web pages

Some entrepreneurs regularly postpone this idea indefinitely, because they doubt the usefulness, effectiveness of the future site, or are simply afraid of innovations. And this is their mistake.

Each web resource is created individually, based on the needs of the customer. The structure of the future project, the degree of its complexity, and functionality are primarily considered. After that, the design, style, and other little things are worked out.

Stages of creating a website in Khmelnitsky

The extensive experience of our company’s specialists asserts the following – in order for the site to begin to bring profit and work for the reputation of the business, the customer needs to answer several questions:

  1. What site do you need? It can be a landing page, just a business card, an online store, and so on. Our staff will help, if necessary, to make the right choice. Often, for the correct answer, it is enough to study competitive resources and do something similar.
  2. What should be its structure? For an online store, for example, it will be useful to break down products into categories and subcategories. If the site is corporate, you need to work out each page separately and create a menu of services.
  3. What will the design be? Appearance is the first thing a client pays attention to when visiting a page. Appearance is an important marketing tool. It creates the first impression of the company and its services. The more positive this impression is, the more orders the company will be able to receive..

More about website promotion

When the work enters the marketing analysis stage, it’s time to think about site promotion. Together with the development of the resource itself, its semantics is systematized – phrases related to the direction of the customer’s business. Thanks to this, the user will be able to find your site in the search engines. A well-structured semantic core will help speed up the promotion and return on invested finances.

By placing an order with us, you can take advantage of all the benefits of our work:

  • the speed of completing the assigned tasks. The customer will negotiate directly with the project contractor;
  • the ability to create a turnkey resource. You can study existing templates and introduce changes according to the wishes of the client;
  • full support of the created pages in the future. If in the future you need to discuss the topic about site improvements (adding or removing pages, expanding functionality, and so on), you can contact us.

Why is it better to order a web resource and its further promotion in the same company

Often, entrepreneurs make a serious mistake – they order the creation of an Internet site and its subsequent promotion in various companies. Another case – active promotion months after the launch of the portal.

What is the right thing to do? As the experience of our clients demonstrates, you need to order the so-called “full cycle” – the creation of a site and its subsequent promotion. The result will be higher if these actions are performed by the same command. Bast studio is ready to take full responsibility for the expected result – effective operation of the website, which will make a profit.

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