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Order Instagram Ads

Price from
10946 UAH
Order Instagram Ads

Instagram is a social network with a worldwide reach that has existed for 5 years and has more than 2 billion active users. Facebook is multifunctional, allows you to maintain interactive communication with target audiences and offer commercial content of all formats.

Benefits of ordering Instagram ads
  • Natural.
  • Targeting.
  • Low cost of entry.
  • Use Pixel for retargeting.
  • Create a custom audience.
  • Attractive images and calls to action.
  • Build on customer needs.
  • Focus on geography.
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We provide the following services

gear_1 gear_2
Complex site audit
Price from 10946 UAH
Comprehensive SEO site analysis
Price from 10946 UAH
SMM promotion in social networks
Price from 10946 UAH
Setting up Google my business
Price from 17711 UAH
Promotion on Google Maps
Price from 10946 UAH
Setting up Google Shopping
Price from 17711 UAH
Order Facebook Ads
Price from 10946 UAH
Order banner advertising
Price from 10946 UAH
Sending letters to email
Price from 10946 UAH
Turnkey crowd marketing
Price from 17711 UAH
Buy eternal links
Price from 17711 UAH
Order YouTube Ads
Price from 10946 UAH
Development of the site structure
Price from 10946 UAH
Order turnkey website optimization
Price from 10946 UAH
Improved site indexing
Price from 10946 UAH
Targeted advertising
Price from 10946 UAH

Order Instagram Ads

How to create a selling website?

Let's look at a simple example

up to 12 days
As a rule, in the course of a conversation, we discuss a lot and do not always have time to write everything down or draw up an action plan. Therefore, it is better to put everything on paper or draw up a technical task in a document.
  • Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks
  • Collection and analysis of requirements
  • Prototype development
  • Signing a contract
up to 30 days
Website development process
  • Website design development
  • Design approval
  • Implementation of the developed design on the site
  • Connecting the required functionality
  • Filling with text
  • A / B testing
  • Training your specialist to work with CMS
  • Delivery of the project
up to 7 days
The final stage of website development is its transfer to hosting. BAST web studio offers you transfer to any hosting that you choose. The only condition on the part of our company for the hosting site is to meet the requirements of the software on which the site was developed.
  • Project transfer to customer hosting
  • Checking the work of the site on the new hosting
  • Site registration in Google and Yandex search engines
  • Transfer of access to the site, domain, hosting

Order Instagram promotion.

Social networks have become part of our daily life and have become a place for communication and exchange of important and not very information. Since the users of these Internet services are millions of people, it is only natural that the possibilities of social networks attract people doing business on the Internet. One of the most popular ways to declare yourself, your products or services is a popular application with elements of the Instagram social network. It is not difficult to create an account in this system, as well as fill it with pictures, information and the necessary tags. But, unfortunately, the owner of the page very soon begins to realize that his data was simply lost among a huge number of similar pages, and there is no business benefit from Insfagram. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is typical, since self-promotion of instagram, without knowing the features of the service and the basics SEO promotion is doomed to fail. How to be in this case? Do you really have to give up the wide opportunities of the social network or sit down to study the subject, wasting precious time? Of course no. Promotion of Instagram for money, offered by our company, is a great way to become famous on this social network, without much cost and effort. You don’t do anything, you just pay for our services and watch how your once modest account is gaining popularity and gradually begins to bear fruit in business.

Promotion and promotion on Instagram.

How Instagram promotion works.

First of all, in order for us to effectively organize the promotion of our client's Instagram, we need to get full access to his account. You give us your username and password, which means full control of the page on your behalf. You should not be afraid that confidential information will get to strangers - we guarantee complete security of our clients' data. Instagram promotion is impossible without access, since we need to follow and unfollow on your behalf, as well as put likes. The fact that we will manage your Instagram does not deprive you of the opportunity to use its services as before. As usual, you can post new photos on your behalf, delete unnecessary ones, put likes, subscribe and exchange messages with other users of the social network. The most effective way to gain popularity on Instagram is active following, that is, subscribing to the accounts of other users. This work requires a professional approach, since there are a number of limits and restrictions, non-compliance with which can not only slow down the promotion of Instagram, but also cause account blocking. Problems associated with following are often encountered when a specialist with low qualifications, who does not know the specifics of working with social networks, is engaged in promotion. We do not allow such problems to arise, as we work carefully and technically. The result of following is an increase in the number of your subscribers, since some of the people to whom you have added as friends will want to add you to themselves. Anfollowing also plays a big role in account promotion. How is it possible, you ask, to become more popular by removing friends? On Instagram, this is quite realistic, since in this case the service rule is in effect, which prohibits having more than 7.5 thousand subscriptions. To prevent your account from being blocked, you need to constantly work with the lists of followers, unsubscribing in time from those who did not reciprocate your subscription. Also, successful promotion on Instagram depends on working with likes. We will not be able to subscribe to more than 1000 users per day, but we can well make it so that they themselves will subscribe to us. For these purposes, we go to users' Instagram and put likes under their pictures. You can put a lot of likes, but so that the efforts are not wasted, the target audience is selected for this work.

Time and cost of Instagram promotion

It is almost impossible to say exactly how long it will take to promote on Instagram. The time spent depends on the specifics of your activity and your goals. We carry out everything related to our work with maximum speed and quality. It is difficult to predict how many people will subscribe to your account in response to the subscription you make and the likes you receive. Very often, the work is completed in the shortest possible time, and in difficult cases it takes much more time. Here you need to immediately warn that companies that name the exact time for which instagram will be promoted are working using bots. This technique guarantees maximum efficiency in the shortest possible time, but, unfortunately, the result of these actions is often account blocking. In addition, bots provide subscriptions from users who are randomly selected. We work in a fundamentally different way - all your subscribers will be the target audience that is interested in receiving information about a product or service and with a high degree of probability will become your customers. High-quality promotion on Instagram, the price of which is lower with us than in other companies, does not require any effort from you. We will make it so that tens of thousands of people who use social networks know about you and your business and, in turn, can transfer information about your products or services to their friends and family. The cost of our services for promotion on Instagram is negotiable - it depends on what the ultimate goal will be and what work needs to be done. Our social media promotion services are an affordable and effective service, the price of which is lower than in other companies. If you really set yourself the task of bringing your Instagram to a completely different quality level, please contact us and we will certainly agree on the cost of services that suits you.

Instagram Ads

Social media is becoming more popular every day. Advertisers are increasingly using the Instagram platform to promote their services and products. On the page of the photoblog there is a huge Ukrainian and Russian-speaking audience. For advertising on this social network, all the tools that are available on Facebook are available. You can try to launch advertising in a photoblog yourself or order its design in the Bast web studio.

Instagram advertising: what it can be

There are two most effective paid ways to advertise your product / service on Instagram:

  • Targeting is the promotion of publications that can be launched from your Facebook account or cabinet.
  • Order an advertisement from a blogger. There are many bloggers on the network who have gathered thousands or even millions of audience, to which they can successfully advertise your products / services.

Setting up targeted ads on Instagram

In photoblogging targeting is available to all business accounts. To start advertising, you need to transfer your account type from personal to business. This can be done in the page settings. There are two ways to launch targeted advertising:

  1. through account promotions;
  2. through detailed customization in the Facebook ad account.

To advertise posts from your account, you just need to click on "Promote publication", specify a few parameters - and the advertisement will start appearing on other users. But in this case, significant restrictions are possible, and you can only promote those posts that are already on the page. In this way, you cannot promote a website or other external resource. It is suitable when you want to reach as large an audience as possible, but don't want to spend a lot of time setting up.

How to launch an advertising campaign on Instagram via Facebook

Targeted advertising in Instagram is suitable for any purpose: increase video views, number of subscribers, increase site visits, sell goods or services, etc. To start targeting on Instagram, you need to go to the advertising account on Facebook, find the "Advertising" section. To enable advertising, you need to go through several steps:

  1. Select the purpose of the advertisement. The most popular options are Reach or Target (to increase post views and sell items).
  2. Decide on a budget and schedule. The budget can be for one day or for the entire period at once. Advertising can start right now or on a specific day. The end of the promotion can be indicated immediately, or you can simply stop it when you need to (for example, when your store runs out of discounts).
  3. Customize your audience. The advertiser can choose the address (country, city), age, gender of his audience, and also specify languages. Pay attention to detailed targeting - you can choose a target audience by interests, field of work or study, children, marital status, etc. It will help you sell your products and services. For example, if a person has an indicated interest in "Shopping", he can safely offer a store where clothes are sold. Also, it is advisable to advertise children's products to mothers and couples who have children.
  4. Select a placement - a place where your ad will be shown. By default, it will be shown on Facebook and Instagram, Stories. If you wish, you can remove this or that place, for example, if you want your ad to be shown only in StoryInstagram, uncheck the "Feed" box. A properly configured Instagram ad is your way to increase sales and attract an audience to your page. Explore all the targeting options and promote products and services to boost your revenue.