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Website creation by yourself

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Website creation by yourself

Как создать свой сайт бесплатно своими руками?

How to create your own website for free with your own hands?

Today the site is a presentation of your proposal to users, potential buyers of the service, their first impression. This issue should be approached responsibly..

If you are planning to create a website with your own hands, remember – in order for the result to be a working and understandable product for visitors, you need to carefully work out each stage.

When preparing a website, it is important to correctly plan the phased work and pay attention to the little things. If you make a small mistake in the process, in the end it will cost a lot of time, effort to re-adjust.

Website development from scratch for dummies should include such steps.

  1. Project – the idea and purpose of the site, what action it will call customers to, how.
  2. Prototype – a schematic arrangement of active elements, content, images in dynamics.
  3. Design – detailed design of the appearance of all pages and sections, active keys.
  4. Site services programming.
  5. Content insertion.
  6. Project layout.
  7. Placement on the Internet.

Work on each stage requires programming knowledge and skills in working with site processing programs, so it is advisable to entrust the implementation of your idea to professionals. But, if you are in the mood for free website creation by yourself, take the time to familiarize yourself with each step and accompanying software.

Design – creating a website yourself

Starting to create a website yourself, you need to analyze the future target audience, what unique offer you can give, and how it will distinguish you from competitors.

It is important to determine the type and purpose of the organization, what the main function will be performed by the Internet resource. The type of information submitted and its topic will determine the direction of the project. So, creating a business card website with your own hands differs significantly in volume, complexity of work from a business-oriented selling portal.

Once the basic questions about structure have been established, it’s time to move on to design, function visualization, and structure dynamics. Detailed active elements, keys, appearance and design of the menu. It is important to harmoniously combine logos and cells, along with photos, other images. At the same time, the functional operation of algorithms, clickable elements should be intuitive to the user..

Technical points – creating a website with your own hands

When starting to create a website yourself, you will have to devote most of your time to working out the structure of an Internet resource. Describe in detail the sections and navigation, the number of levels, directions, as well as intermediate transitions. Determine the correct service functionality to provide user-friendly navigation promotions.

It is necessary to think over server scripts, which programs will be used to support the web resource.

When working with specialized companies, these data are worked out in the structure of the terms of reference. Website development for dummies implies an independent study of such details. But if necessary, you can always contact site improvements to professionals, for example, to the BAST web studio.

Software implementation of the project

The implementation of the prepared project occurs through the layout – the combination of content, graphics, services and project modules into one whole using code. The output is a ready-made resource with a database waiting to be uploaded to the global network.

Testing is carried out, the necessary changes for the speed and quality of data loading, then you need to place the project on the network. This stage involves choosing a hosting provider and selecting a domain name registration. Also, the site is undergoing primary SEO optimization, it is advisable to immediately carry out promotion in search engines.

This stage is the most difficult, especially for beginners, therefore, if at this point it became difficult to create a website for free, Ukraine has a large number of professionals who will help in the implementation of such issues.

Our company – Web-studio “BAST” will gladly help you to realize your project at any necessary stage. Experts with many years of experience and a high reputation for creating and site promotions, implement your best ideas, provide a unique working Internet product at an affordable cost.