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Parsing goods from sites

Price from
6765 UAH
Order turnkey parsing of goods

Parsing is the parsing of sites by a special program or script. The collected information is presented in a certain form, according to certain rules, algorithms and is carried out in one of the programming languages. Only the analysis and collection of information comes not from books, but from Internet resources.

Benefits of Parsing Sites
  • Content loading speed
  • Unlimited items
  • Competitive price
item_desktop_0 item_mobile_0 item_tablet_0
item_desktop_1 item_mobile_1 item_tablet_1
item_desktop_2 item_mobile_2 item_tablet_2

We provide the following services

gear_1 gear_2
Prototyping sites
Price from 1000
Website technical support
Price from 1000
Complex site maintenance
Price from 1000
Domain registration
Price from 600
Website hosting
Price from 600
Employee training
Price from 600
Copywriting, rewriting
Price from 85
Order site testing
Price from 10946
Order site layout
Price from 17711
Turnkey web server setup
Price from 6765
Modules for OpenCart
Price from 5000
IP telephony integration
Price from 7500
Bitrix24 integration
Price from 7500
Turnkey Cloudflare settings
Price from 5000
Filling the site with goods
Price from 4500
Email marketing consulting
Price from 10946
Android application
Price from 17711
IOS app
Price from 17711
Mobile applications
Price from 7500
Translation of the site
Price from 17711
Speed up the site
Price from 10946
IT consulting
Price from 28657

Parsing goods from sites

How to create a selling website?

Let's look at a simple example

up to 12 days
As a rule, in the course of a conversation, we discuss a lot and do not always have time to write everything down or draw up an action plan. Therefore, it is better to put everything on paper or draw up a technical task in a document.
  • Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks
  • Collection and analysis of requirements
  • Prototype development
  • Signing a contract
up to 30 days
Website development process
  • Website design development
  • Design approval
  • Implementation of the developed design on the site
  • Connecting the required functionality
  • Filling with text
  • A / B testing
  • Training your specialist to work with CMS
  • Delivery of the project
up to 7 days
The final stage of website development is its transfer to hosting. BAST web studio offers you transfer to any hosting that you choose. The only condition on the part of our company for the hosting site is to meet the requirements of the software on which the site was developed.
  • Project transfer to customer hosting
  • Checking the work of the site on the new hosting
  • Site registration in Google and Yandex search engines
  • Transfer of access to the site, domain, hosting

Order parsing of goods from a turnkey website

In the era of active development of Internet technologies, parsing sites is an effective way to analyze syntactic information posted on numerous Internet resources. The incredible amount of data that the World Wide Web offers contains a vast amount of very diverse information. If you need to select certain information, according to strictly established criteria, then parsing is the most effective way of doing this work with minimal time and effort.

Today there are several basic types of parsing sites. The most common is the parsing of goods from the site to fill the online store. The information received from other resources, or rather the names of product models, its main characteristics, descriptions, and sometimes the actual price, are imported into a special file, and then it is exported to the online store. Also popularparking ads. They are willing to use real estate agencies, as well as people involved in the resale of cars, equipment and other goods. In addition, special programs and scripts are used for the usual filling of the site pages with content, both textual and multimedia.

Separately, it is worthwhile to mention the collection of data necessary for the productive work of SEO professionals. The so-called search engine parsing allows you to analyze links from search results, get information about the attendance of certain resources or data from the servers of statistics of popular search engines. This information becomes an excellent basis for SEO-promotion of the resource.

Why do I need to parse sites?

Suppose you start your own business on the Web, opening your online store. Of course, for productive trading or service delivery, it is necessary to carefully study the market, perform its detailed analysis and, of course, fill the pages of the site with content. The usual page traversal performed by the operator is not an effective way of obtaining information, because even after spending a few weeks, you will not be able to get acquainted with the offers on the competitors' sites in detail. In this case, parsing of goods, carried out using special software, comes to the rescue. What tasks can be solved using the features of the parsing of sites?

  • Processing large amounts of information. Today, the success of the Internet business largely depends on the quality and volume of information offered to potential customers. Parsing shops provide content that can not be obtained using the work of one or even several people.
  • Obtaining extremely relevant information. It's no secret that the data on the Web is constantly changing, subject to changes and additions. Given the colossal amount of information, tracking it is an incredibly complex and voluminous work for a person. Track important changes without resorting to the use of a large staff of operators, and using the parsing of goods for online stores.
  • Accuracy of the received data. Trusting the collection and analysis of information to a specialist, even the most competent, one can not ignore the human factor. Fatigue, reduced care due to the monotony of monitoring Internet resources, can affect the effectiveness of the work. The program or a special script for parsing does not have such drawbacks and always works 100% efficiently.

Parser of goods from the online store to order on a turnkey basis

It's safe to say that for online shopping for opencart the goods pouring is an excellent way of filling the pages with the goods.

Parsing of stores: the order of execution

Usually, parsing is divided into three main phases:

  • Getting the original content. Usually this process is associated with the full download or even downloading of the Internet page, for its detailed analysis.
  • Receiving data with subsequent conversion. At this point, the parser extracts the information it needs from the web page code, separating it from the extra code in this case.
  • Report generation. The parser program outputs the resulting data to the specified type. This can be text, a list or direct entry into the site database.

This order, with rare exceptions, is common. For all types of processing information from the Network by parsing.

Parsing: work for real professionals

Among the advantages of using parser programs you can mention the speed that is not available to the most experienced professional, the ability to process large amounts of information, complete automation of the process, which does not require outside interference. Are there any nuances that the owner of the site needs to know, who decided to use this effective way of filling the resource? First of all, you need to remember that one parsing promote the site does not work. This technique showed the greatest effectiveness in combination with the placement on the pages of the Internet resource of a unique SEO-content. Abusing copypast by mismanaging the program, incorrectly articulating its task and using erroneous settings, you can achieve the opposite result and significantly lower the resource rating in search deliveries. Considering the above, we can confidently say that parsing is a great way to quickly develop a resource of any orientation, but only if it is produced by experienced specialists. If you are interested in making your online store or blog flourish, please contact our company. Specialists of web studio "Bast" will render expert assistance and will make your Internet resource get worthy filling as soon as possible and begin to bring you profit. We offer quality work with a quick result and reasonable prices that will pleasantly surprise you.