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Website development on Kohana PHP Framework

Price from
121 393 UAH
Order turnkey creation and development of a site on the Kohana PHP Framework

Kohana PHP Framework is an open source PHP software development environment that helps PHP developers create web applications faster and more efficiently by providing them with a set of built-in objects / classes. Provides strictly organized coding standards.

  • Ease of maintaining the project.
  • It is possible to implement any business processes, and not just those that were originally laid in the system.
  • Framework is much faster.
  • In terms of security, solutions on frameworks are much superior to self-written systems and comparable to CMS (as a rule, sites on frameworks are even safer).
  • Also, projects based on frameworks are easily scalable and modernizable.
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We develop sites on

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Website development on Kohana PHP Framework

How to create a selling website?

Let's look at a simple example

up to 12 days
As a rule, in the course of a conversation, we discuss a lot and do not always have time to write everything down or draw up an action plan. Therefore, it is better to put everything on paper or draw up a technical task in a document.
  • Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks
  • Collection and analysis of requirements
  • Prototype development
  • Signing a contract
up to 30 days
Website development process
  • Website design development
  • Design approval
  • Implementation of the developed design on the site
  • Connecting the required functionality
  • Filling with text
  • A / B testing
  • Training your specialist to work with CMS
  • Delivery of the project
up to 7 days
The final stage of website development is its transfer to hosting. BAST web studio offers you transfer to any hosting that you choose. The only condition on the part of our company for the hosting site is to meet the requirements of the software on which the site was developed.
  • Project transfer to customer hosting
  • Checking the work of the site on the new hosting
  • Site registration in Google and Yandex search engines
  • Transfer of access to the site, domain, hosting

Order turnkey website development on Kohana PHP Framework

Kohana PHP Framework is an open source PHP software development environment that helps PHP developers create web applications faster and more efficiently by providing them with a set of built-in objects / classes. Provides strictly organized coding standards.

Kohana PHP7 web framework is similar to Ruby on Rails. It implements the well-known software development pattern - Model View Controller (MVC), which includes:

  • models - objects that manage sources and data stores;
  • views - html and css files with embedded php codes that represent the user interface and application controls;
  • controllers - objects responsible for business logic, displaying the page (s) and directing click actions from views to the model and back to views.

Why use the Kohana PHP7 web framework?

Initially, the Kohana PHP7 web framework was based on the well-documented php-structure of codeigniter, but it stands out today due to the strict use of best practices and OOP standards.

Creation and Development of sites on turnkey Kohana PHP Framework

PHP is a very easy to use programming language, which is why it is so popular in the web development community. But PHP has one drawback: most experienced developers do not like to code PHP because of its small object orientation and often unpleasant codes. To order a site on the Kohana PHP7 Framework in the Bast web studio means to get true software development, in which there are no or practically no standards. The main reason you should order a site on the Kohana HP5 Framework for your work with PHP is to comply with standards and follow best practices, which will greatly help in the future to work with the PHP programming language.

Website development on Kohana PHP7 Framework: key features

Kohana PHP has some very nice features that set it apart from all other PHP platforms. Features include:

    1. Development of the site on the Kohana PHP7 Framework is fully object-oriented, the platform automatically transfers this order and standard programming in PHP.
    1. Kohana PHP, like most other standard web frameworks, has a very easy to use template engine.
    1. Kohana PHP strongly supports internationalization and good documentation.
    1. The robust ORM mechanism is Object Relational Mapping. This is a programming concept in which codes directly manipulate database tables as objects.
    1. MVC-based framework.
    1. Kohana's PHP infrastructure has a good implementation of controllers, where every URL call or link on a kohana-based site refers to a controller and its function, as in site / controller / function / parammeters.
    1. Libraries and helpers and third-party classes.

In addition, website development using the Kohana PHP7 Framework is affordable, reliable, and easy to use.

Why should you choose our web studio?

The first and main reason why you should opt for the Bast web studio is the turnkey development of a site on Kohana PHP7 Framework. And that means:

  • direct cooperation with the customer;
  • we provide the right to choose: create a site according to individual preferences or according to ready-made templates;
  • application of all solutions and schemes in work;
  • quick checkout;
  • site support: adding pages, design changes, etc.

Turnkey development of a site on the Kohana PHP7 Framework is a 100% high-quality and selling site that is adapted for mobile devices, has simple and intuitive controls.