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Order a website on Bitrix

Price from
196418 UAH
Order the creation and development of sites on turnkey Bitrix

We offer business solutions. Since 2008 BAST studio has been working in the markets of Ukraine and the CIS countries, Europe, the USA, offering fast and functional solutions. Modern UX / UI design, safe modular CMS for every successful project!

  • We work under a contract.
  • Interacting with customers around the world
  • Savings on advertising
  • Working for the company's image
  • Modern solutions in the field of web technologies.
  • You are the full owner of the site. Documents, domain - in your name.
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We provide the following services

gear_1 gear_2
Website development on Framework
Price from 121393 UAH
Development of landing page sites
Price from 28657 UAH
Development of one-page sites
Price from 10946 UAH
Creation of corporate sites
Price from 75 025 UAH
Order a unique site
Price from 17711 UAH
Create directory sites
Price from 28657 UAH
Order a medical site
Price from 28657 UAH
Order a promo site
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a classifieds site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a real estate site
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a site for hotels
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a portal site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a website for a beauty salon
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a dating site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order discount and coupon site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a game site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a site for travel agencies
Price from 28657 UAH
Website development for schools
Price from 10946 UAH
Online store creation
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a blog on WordPress
Price from 6765 UAH
Creation of sites on Joomla
Price from 46368 UAH
Order an expensive site
Price from 317811 UAH
Order a selling site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order an inexpensive site
Price from 10946 UAH
Website development in Ukraine
Price from 17711 UAH
Website development on WordPress
Price from 46368 UAH
Website builders
Price from 10946 UAH
Creating sites on Tilda
Price from 10946 UAH
Website development on ModX
Price from 121393 UAH
Drupal website development
Price from 46368 UAH
Website development on WIX
Price from 10946 UAH
Website development in html
Price from 17711 UAH
Website development in PHP
Price from 17711 UAH
Order B2B portal
Price from 121393 UAH
Development of complex websites
Price from 75025 UAH
Development of exclusive sites
Price from 46368 UAH
Development of a turnkey marketplace
Price from 196418 UAH
Development of a personal account
Price from 28657 UAH
Brand strategy
Price from 10946 UAH
Conversion optimization
Price from 6765 UAH
Order wholesale site
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a multilingual online store
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a website template
Price from 28657 UAH
Creation of a multilingual website
Price from 46368 UAH

Order a website on Bitrix

How to create a selling website?

Let's look at a simple example

up to 12 days
As a rule, in the course of a conversation, we discuss a lot and do not always have time to write everything down or draw up an action plan. Therefore, it is better to put everything on paper or draw up a technical task in a document.
  • Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks
  • Collection and analysis of requirements
  • Prototype development
  • Signing a contract
up to 30 days
Website development process
  • Website design development
  • Design approval
  • Implementation of the developed design on the site
  • Connecting the required functionality
  • Filling with text
  • A / B testing
  • Training your specialist to work with CMS
  • Delivery of the project
up to 7 days
The final stage of website development is its transfer to hosting. BAST web studio offers you transfer to any hosting that you choose. The only condition on the part of our company for the hosting site is to meet the requirements of the software on which the site was developed.
  • Project transfer to customer hosting
  • Checking the work of the site on the new hosting
  • Site registration in Google and Yandex search engines
  • Transfer of access to the site, domain, hosting

Development and creation of a site on 1C Bitrix

1C-Bitrix is ​​a convenient and functional system for managing Internet resources, which provides great opportunities for creating and maintaining sites type and direction. Ordering a site on Bitrix means making a choice in favor of a simple and incredibly effective solution that you will never have to regret. Order a website on Bitrix. Order a site for 1c Bitrix in Kiev.

Everyone who has decided to order a site on Bitrix is surprised at how easy it is to manage a site created on the basis of this system. Working with Bitrix is ​​just as easy as with a regular text editor - intuitive menus and simple functions can be mastered by the user while working with the site, within a few hours. Thanks to a well-thought-out interface and an excellent protection system that will not allow you to accidentally make a serious mistake, there is a significant saving in time. The system remembers user actions and in many cases facilitates content management.

The system includes many modules that allow you to order a site on Bitrix of a wide variety of purposes. More than 40 different options for resources, from business card sites to online stores and social networks can be created using the rich functionality of 1C-Bitrix. The system is perfectly protected from various accidental or deliberate actions aimed at creating emergency situations. Anti-hacking protection, web antivirus, security scanner and many other add-ons make the Bitrix system the safest today. Many people prefer to order a site on Bitrix also because this system is the most productive. In the process of work, various parameters of the site are constantly analyzed and the user is offered useful advice on optimizing the resource. Thanks to these features, on the basis of Bitrix, you can build sites , designed for maximum traffic.

One of the important advantages that prompts many to order sites on Bitrix is the excellent compatibility of the system with the 1C-Accounting software package. Thanks to this, you can easily integrate an online store created on Bitrix into the company's information environment. This provides a unique opportunity to automatically post data about new products on the pages of the site's catalog. At the same time, the system itself is able to check with the leftovers listed in the warehouse and publish relevant information in the catalog. When ordering a site on Bitrix , you get an excellent stable resource with great opportunities. Security, maximum performance, ease of management, the ability to integrate with an accounting system - all these advantages make the 1C-Bitrix system one of the most popular in our country.