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Order B2B portal

Price from
121393 UAH
Order the creation of a turnkey B2B portal

B2B Portal Development - Solution for Wholesales

A B2B portal is an online platform within which transactions between companies (for example, a manufacturer and a wholesaler, between a wholesaler and a retailer, etc.) are carried out.

The advantages of a B2B portal

  • Analytical reports.
  • Product information in one place.
  • The functionality of the B2B marketplace minimizes human error.
  • There is no interpersonal interaction in the B2B portal.
  • B2B pricing is flexible.
  • The B2B portal automatically calculates prices not only for each customer, but also for each order.
  • Easy to control.
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We are developing the following sites

gear_1 gear_2
Website development on Framework
Price from 121393 UAH
Development of landing page sites
Price from 28657 UAH
Development of one-page sites
Price from 10946 UAH
Creation of corporate sites
Price from 75 025 UAH
Order a unique site
Price from 17711 UAH
Create directory sites
Price from 28657 UAH
Order a medical site
Price from 28657 UAH
Order a promo site
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a classifieds site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a real estate site
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a site for hotels
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a portal site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a website for a beauty salon
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a dating site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order discount and coupon site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a game site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order a site for travel agencies
Price from 28657 UAH
Website development for schools
Price from 10946 UAH
Online store creation
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a blog on WordPress
Price from 6765 UAH
Creation of sites on Joomla
Price from 46368 UAH
Order an expensive site
Price from 317811 UAH
Order a selling site
Price from 75025 UAH
Order an inexpensive site
Price from 10946 UAH
Website development in Ukraine
Price from 17711 UAH
Website development on WordPress
Price from 46368 UAH
Website builders
Price from 10946 UAH
Creating sites on Tilda
Price from 10946 UAH
Website development on ModX
Price from 121393 UAH
Drupal website development
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a website on Bitrix
Price from 196418 UAH
Website development on WIX
Price from 10946 UAH
Website development in html
Price from 17711 UAH
Website development in PHP
Price from 17711 UAH
Development of complex websites
Price from 75025 UAH
Development of exclusive sites
Price from 46368 UAH
Development of a turnkey marketplace
Price from 196418 UAH
Development of a personal account
Price from 28657 UAH
Brand strategy
Price from 10946 UAH
Conversion optimization
Price from 6765 UAH
Order wholesale site
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a multilingual online store
Price from 46368 UAH
Order a website template
Price from 28657 UAH
Creation of a multilingual website
Price from 46368 UAH

Order B2B portal

How to create a selling website?

Let's look at a simple example

up to 12 days
As a rule, in the course of a conversation, we discuss a lot and do not always have time to write everything down or draw up an action plan. Therefore, it is better to put everything on paper or draw up a technical task in a document.
  • Discussion of the set goal and clarification of tasks
  • Collection and analysis of requirements
  • Prototype development
  • Signing a contract
up to 30 days
Website development process
  • Website design development
  • Design approval
  • Implementation of the developed design on the site
  • Connecting the required functionality
  • Filling with text
  • A / B testing
  • Training your specialist to work with CMS
  • Delivery of the project
up to 7 days
The final stage of website development is its transfer to hosting. BAST web studio offers you transfer to any hosting that you choose. The only condition on the part of our company for the hosting site is to meet the requirements of the software on which the site was developed.
  • Project transfer to customer hosting
  • Checking the work of the site on the new hosting
  • Site registration in Google and Yandex search engines
  • Transfer of access to the site, domain, hosting

Order B2B portal development

The mysterious abbreviation B2B today is understood as a business aimed not at an ordinary consumer, but at another business. Simply put, if a company does not produce a finished product, but provides another company with goods and services that help that company produce something, then this is already B2B. Today, e-commerce is actively used in this area of ​​business, therefore development b2b portal Is a very popular service.

How a B2B marketplace works

As in any other modern business area, the ideal tool in b2b is a website. Such commercial sites combine effective solutions for suppliers and buyers and look like a portal b2b purchases with a full set of necessary functions and tools that ensure simple and effective use of the resource, regardless of the amount of information provided to the consumer and the way it is presented.

Regardless of how the PV b2b portal is arranged and what services and goods he suggests that he must take into account the following aspects important for successful business development:

  1. Availability for everyone who wants to use services and products;
  2. Ability to integrate with any other types of e-commerce;
  3. A scalable and highly customizable platform that supports a large number of participants;
  4. Security for users and owner;
  5. High-quality and informative analytics;
  6. Simple and efficient management of large amounts of information;
  7. Ability to connect additional services, for example, auctions or some financial services.

It is quite clear that the creation, as well as site promotion of this type is not easy and a very responsible task that can only be performed by true professionals with work experience and a full understanding of the principles of running 2b2 business and its specifics in our country.

How to order 2b2 portal

Bast web studio is a company that is well known both in Ukraine and in European countries. We undertake the largest and most complex projects, including the creation of a b2b portal of any type and direction. Our specialists are real experts for whom nothing is impossible. Well-coordinated work of the "Bast" team makes it possible to get the result as quickly and efficiently as possible, regardless of the volume. Today we are ready to offer our clients the development of commercial portals 2b2 on the most favorable terms. Among the advantages of our company are the following:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • Flexible pricing policy and an interesting system of discounts;
  • Official agreement for the implementation of services for website creation ;
  • Warranty for all types of work performed by our specialists;
  • Strict adherence to the deadlines for the delivery of the project and its intermediate stages;
  • Reliable two-way communication with the customer throughout the entire work on his project.

In their work, Bast specialists use the most relevant solutions of the modern web industry, avoiding template solutions and boring concepts. Our sites always favorably differ from others with their individuality and carefully thought-out design elements and functionality. We can also offer technical support for the portal and its professional promotion.

You already have a 2b2 portal, but are you unhappy with it? Contact the Bast web studio and we will finalizing the site in accordance with modern b2b trends and your idea of ​​an ideal commercial Internet resource. Contact us now, because nothing is as valuable in business as time!