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Rozwój strony internetowej w Charkowie

Cena od
10946 UAH
Zamów strony internetowej w Charkowie pod klucz

Oferujemy rozwiązania dla biznesu. Od 2008 roku pracownia BAST działa na rynkach Ukrainy, krajów WNP, Europy, USA, oferując szybkie i funkcjonalne rozwiązania. Nowoczesny projekt UX / UI, bezpieczny modułowy CMS dla każdego udanego projektu!

  • Pracujemy na podstawie umowy.
  • Interakcja z klientami na całym świecie
  • Oszczędności na reklamach
  • Praca na rzecz wizerunku firmy
  • Nowoczesne rozwiązania z zakresu technologii internetowych.
  • Jesteś pełnym właścicielem witryny. Dokumenty, domena - w Twoim imieniu.
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Rozwój strony internetowej w Charkowie

Jak stworzyć stronę sprzedażową?

Spójrzmy na prosty przykład

do 12 dni
Z reguły w trakcie rozmowy dużo dyskutujemy i nie zawsze mamy czas na spisanie wszystkiego czy sporządzenie planu działania. Dlatego lepiej przelać wszystko na papier lub sporządzić zadanie techniczne w dokumencie.
  • Omówienie wyznaczonego celu i wyjaśnienie zadań
  • Gromadzenie i analiza wymagań
  • Rozwój prototypów
  • Podpisanie umowy
do 30 dni
Proces tworzenia strony internetowej
  • Opracowanie projektu strony internetowej
  • Zatwierdzenie projektu
  • Wykonanie opracowanego projektu na stronie
  • Podłączanie wymaganej funkcjonalności
  • Wypełnienie tekstem
  • Testy A / B
  • Szkolenie specjalisty do pracy z CMS
  • Dostawa projektu
do 7 dni
Ostatnim etapem tworzenia serwisu jest przeniesienie go na hosting. Studio internetowe BAST oferuje Ci przeniesienie na dowolny wybrany przez Ciebie hosting. Jedynym warunkiem po stronie naszej firmy dla strony hostingowej jest spełnienie wymagań oprogramowania, na którym strona została stworzona.
  • Przeniesienie projektu na hosting klienta
  • Sprawdzenie działania serwisu na nowym hostingu
  • Rejestracja witryny w wyszukiwarkach Google i Yandex
  • Przeniesienie dostępu do serwisu, domeny, hostingu

If you are going to open your own business or expand an existing one, then you are asking yourself a question: how to promote your products, goods or services? The problem is that now almost everyone gets their information from the Internet. And in order to quickly and efficiently convey it to the consumer, you need your own website.

Turnkey website development

Some people think that building a website is not a problem. Moreover, there are free training courses on its development or ready-made platforms where you can "assemble" your own page. You can take a ready-made template, try to design it yourself, fill it with information. But this is provided that you are a more or less advanced user and know how to use programs.

In fact, turnkey website development is a serious and painstaking job. First you need to familiarize yourself with the goods or services that will be offered by the resource, to study the peculiarities of the market, competition. And only after that the creation of the site itself begins.

  1. The designer draws a layout, selects colors, creates a brand and its page for recognition on the world wide web.
  2. A layout designer develops an HTML template, writes scripts.
  3. The programmer creates an attractive and user-friendly site based on this HTML-template, which is repeatedly tested to detect and eliminate errors. Makes it workable and functional.
  4. Next, you need an SEO specialist who will promote your site on the Internet and make it recognizable by search engines. And the content manager will fill it with goods and services, the copywriter will fill it with text information.

Development of a turnkey website by all these specialists will provide the customer with a completely finished, functional project with a recognizable brand.

Website development in Lviv

To have your own Internet resource, you need an experienced IT company with a reputation, which will develop and deliver it ready and working. Website development in Lviv will provide an individual design that will interest new customers and help increase sales.

The main skill is to create turnkey websites. That is, to completely ensure the operation of a web resource of any complexity from scratch. Or fix problems in the finished, but not functional site (update modules, programs, plugins).

One of the important points is SEO development. Which provides website promotion, promotion in search engines and getting the target audience. Helps to attract new customers by advertising the site in Google Adwords.

Support in promoting a product and / or service through online marketing is also important. This service provides:

  • interactivity;
  • web analytics;
  • targeting.

Helping to develop a super design is essential to successfully promoting a website. This is the combination of color, the creation of fonts, graphic components. This ensures a pleasant experience when visiting this site. A design that is designed according to all the rules of art will attract higher traffic.

Website development in Lviv will solve the stated goal in developing a turnkey web resource. Provides work that will satisfy all the needs and tasks of the customer: attractive design, SEO-promotion, advertising, internet marketing. You can order all these services on the website of the Bast Web Studio at a bargain price. We guarantee high professionalism of our employees, which will ensure the efficiency, efficiency, profitability of the resource.